In 1982, representatives of local churches and social service agencies started a temporary emergency food program for the needy. They envisioned the program to last about five years. The first meeting to discuss the possibility of establishing a food shelf was held February 22, 1982. On April 28, 1982 the plan was announced to the public. To everyone’s surprise donations of money, food, and equipment came pouring in. On July 6, 1982 Articles of Incorporation were signed.
The first home for Kandiyohi County Food Shelf was located in the South 71 Plaza then a short time later it was moved to 414 Becker Ave SW. In May 1986 the food shelf moved to 106 Sixth St SW and in November 2004 it moved to 624 Pacific Ave SW, where it currently resides.
The Kandiyohi County Food Shelf helps households in Kandiyohi County.
Mission Statement: Help relieve the suffering of hunger by providing food assistance.